Idealistic and Realistic Models as Islamic Ideologies in Revolutionary Management of Media



The present paper first provides a definition for ideology, believing that ideology has more of an application in media than any other human shield. After a criticism of the role of ideology in the post-modern media and the definitions which consider ideology at service of the ruling class and as a means to distortion of reality, followed by ideology being introduced as an inevitable issue in humanities in general and in media science in particular, an Islamic version of media management is modelled. Finally, the Islamic media is interpreted as hyper-real or meta-real phenomena which are beyond reality, but in connection and conformity with reality and inclined to the ideal and real. This paper presents realistic idealism as an Islamic ideology and denies secularism, which has a dualistic view towards the ideal and real. Moreover, having compared otology – initiated by Eghbal Lahoori – with post-modernism – introduced by Friedrich Nietzsche – the present paper presents the fundamental and ontological differences between the post-modern media and Islamic media, which seek to revitalize religion. In this inquiry, realistic idealism as ontology and revolutionary management as methodology are introduced as the two cornerstones of Islamic media formation. The realistic idealism has been introduced by the assimilation of the ideal and real, management and revolution, life and hereafter, body and soul, life and religion, and religion and politics. This article, as a model per se and not a theory, copes with the quiddity and quality of the matter since this is what a model aspires to achieve: it does not deal with howness. The whole article deals with the possibility of its subject and is based the thesis on the possibility of realistic idealism in media management.
