An Introduction to the Role of Media in Soft War against the Islamic Nation (Ummah): A Conceptual Approach

Document Type : Research Paper



In the era of globalization, information and communication technologies have been widely developed and caused the world to encounter a wide variety of information and data. In the meantime, media, as the most important communication tool, has a unique role in the changes of the contemporary world. The media’s functions in the current condition and the role it plays, from peaceful ones to the belligerent and warlike attitudes, have become a serious threat to different countries. Nowadays, the use of the term “media war” has been increased, for western media imperialism considers the media as the second god, which is an appropriate term for media’s current power and performance. It is evident that media war is one of the most outstanding elements of soft and modern wars taking place in the current world. With the aforementioned information, this research aims to recognize the domain of soft war and explain the media’s role in soft war under the topic of media war.
